
Attention: The systematic approach to apply to the investigations you want to undertake with your students and colleagues is called “action research”.

More about action research

STRINGER, E. T. Action Research. 3. ed. Thousand Oaks, CA:

Sage publications, 2007.

Pedagogia da pesquisa-ação. Click HERE. Pesquisa-ação. Click HERE.

The answers to our research questions can enrich not only our practice, but also our colleagues’ around the world. Our research goals are mainly aimed at solving real problems that take place in the true-to-life situations of our classrooms.

The techniques for gathering data can include: interviews, written /oral reports, checklists, individual files of students’ work and/or opinions, portfolios and questionnaires.


Let’s turn our classrooms into research labs!

Besides being English teachers, we can also become researchers of our own practice and unveil useful data that can be easily collected in our classrooms for further investigation.


Reflect about your own practice. Ask the questions you want answers for. Assume an investigative position! Design your research project. Plan the actions! Implement them! Plan for the future! Share your results and conclusions with your colleagues, students’ parents and school community.

Write a paper. Submit it for publication.

According to Stringer (2007: 1), this type of investigation “focuses on specific situations and localized solutions”. It will allow you to address your most important concerns, such as investigating ways to improve learning and increase student achievement.