

Voki is a free online service that allows us to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on our blogs, profiles, and in email messages. Go to www.voki.com and browse this virtual space. Get an overall idea of what voki is about. How much did you like it? Let’s share ideas on this forum. Click HERE.

I truly believe that we can create speaking avatars to introduce ourselves to our students and welcome them to our classes, for example. Our messages can also be sent for many other purposes: to remind our students of due assignments, to praise them for a job well done, or to encourage them to keep up their good work.

Another point is that we can record our messages with our own voice or have a speaker to record them for us. We can opt for either a female or a male voice and even choose the accent  in a variety of Englishes, American, Australian, British, for example.

Imagine your students receiving speaking messages from you. I bet they’d love them and this would keep them more motivated for the English classes.

A Voki Avatar


Curious about how to create a speaking avatar on a touch of the mouse? Click HERE to watch a video about this process.

My recommendation? Create your own avatar! Go for it! Send speaking messages to your students and colleagues. Send me messages too at reinildes@gmail.com. I’d be glad to hear from you.

Last but not least! Let’s share our learning / teaching experiences with VOKI on this forum. Click HERE.

About your students: As I always say, Less downloads, more uploads! Let our students express themselves in English. Let them

use their digital skills to become bilingual!